It was August 2020, on top of the months-long shut down of most businesses and global health crisis, all outdoor group gatherings were cancelled and most amateur endurance athletic events were postponed and turned into "virtual" races. By chance, I heard about an...
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Lynne Tapper

My 10th Marathon
I might be in the minority, but I thoroughly enjoy watching marathons on television. I love listening to the commentators tell the stories of the athletes and the history of the event. On Monday, I...
Snow is my friend
For the past few weeks, I’ve been questioning why I live in the Northeast. Snow days are not what they used to be when I was a kid growing up in Massachusetts. I have fond memories of the Blizzard...
One and done
2014 marks my 20th season of doing triathlons. I will never forget my first triathlon in Harriman State Park in New York and I will always remember this Ironman in Mont Tremblant Canada. I will...
Je Me Souviens
I will remember. This was truly an experience of a lifetime. Not just race weekend, but all of the training and sacrifice that I made to accomplish this goal. I could never have done this without...
My X Marathon
As I was leaving the transition, I’m not sure what I was thinking. There was a part of me that was so excited to be 2/3 of the way done with an Ironman. I remembered my friend Becky telling me...
10 hours down, miles to go
When I finally finished the bike it was a bit over 8 hours. I was both elated and a bit disappointed. Never in my wildest imagination did I think the bike would take that long. The headwind on 117...
Rolling, rolling, rolling…RAW hide!
I was the most nervous about the bike leg, for many reasons. Here they are, in no particular order: -It’s long! -I could get a flat. -Something could happen to my chain. -It’s long! -It is a very...
What A Day, What A Gift
As I left to line up for the swim, Leland’s final words to me were, “Run YOUR race.” I thought of this as the gun went off for the 7th and final wave of over 200 women. My strategy for starting the...
The Swim Start
I got back to the hotel room at 5:30 am. Right on schedule. I got changed into my tri bottoms, bra and tri top. I lathered myself up with Chamois Butter and Body Glide and sunscreen. I put on...
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