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2021 has turned out to be the "year of physical challenges" for me. As each year goes by, I try to come up with another challenge to celebrate the passing of time. Maybe this is to prove that while I'm aging physically, my mind and body think otherwise. This morning I...

Running on Pause

Something's not right. In early spring 2021, during a 7-mile run, I noticed some slight pain in my left ankle. Of course, I didn't stop running, I just took note. After a few doctors and physical therapy appointments, an MRI was scheduled for mid-April. The result was...

I Can’t Drive 55…But I Can Bike It

"Why don't you bike 50 miles on your 50th birthday?" a friend asked me. "Because that isn't much of a challenge for me," I answered without missing a beat. I know it sounded snobby, but it's true. I spend a lot of time on my bike, especially during the warmer months....

About Me

Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.

Running on Pause

Something's not right. In early spring 2021, during a 7-mile run, I noticed some slight pain in my left ankle. Of course, I didn't stop running, I just took note. After a few doctors and physical...

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Keeping the Streak Alive

It was August 2020, on top of the months-long shut down of most businesses and global health crisis, all outdoor group gatherings were cancelled and most amateur endurance athletic events were...

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Running Down a Cold

In 30 years of racing, my goal is to start every race in peak condition; rested, well-fueled and trained.  I don't win any race I enter, but I give it my best and I can't expect anymore than that....

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Eagles Tribute Run

So far, this Northeast winter has been fairly pleasant compared to what we New Englanders endured in 2015. However, today's cold and windy day still didn't feel very welcome.   I had less than hour...

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Election Day

It's Election Day today. And while I will at some point stop by the polls to cast my vote, I elected to do sometime else this morning. I chose to don my long-sleeved wetsuit, neoprene booties,...

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Post Race Depression

On Saturday, I ran my last race of the season. I trained well and felt perfectly prepared. I was pleased with the execution of my race plan and results. Most importantly, I had fun. So why do I find...

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What to wear

Tomorrow I’m running the Hartford Half Marathon.  It’s my 5th Hartford Half Marathon. I ran in 1994, 2003, 2007, 2013 and now 2015! I’ve run nearly 25 half marathons, 9 full marathons and countless...

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Iron Man Triathlon. Done.

Iron Man Triathlon. Done.

You know what they say, "When one blog closes, another blog opens." Wait, I think that's about windows, but anyway, you get the point. In August 2014, I completed my first IronMan Triathlon. I kept a blog, My Iron Year, detailing my experience. Moving on in my...

Iron Man Triathlon. Done.

The Half Iron Triathlon I Never Thought I’d Do

Those of you who have been following this blog know that one of the challenges with which I struggled, besides the obvious medical ones, was wondering if I would ever return to the level of competition in running and triathlons that I had achieved pre-surgeries.  I am...

Iron Man Triathlon. Done.

When Angelina won’t return your phone calls

I started this blog, stemming from my BRCA1 status, to record the journey I took from the decision to have surgery through my recovery. I wanted to share it with as many friends and family members that were interested.  I wanted to be "public" about the decisions I...

About Me

Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.