Eagles Tribute Run

Jan 20, 2016 | Training, Training Daze

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Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.

So far, this Northeast winter has been fairly pleasant compared to what we New Englanders endured in 2015. However, today’s cold and windy day still didn’t feel very welcome.   I had less than hour to get in my morning run, so I dressed appropriately, grabbed my iPod and headed out the door.

Admittedly, I don’t have a lot of variety in my play lists. I have Adele Greatest Hits, which I believe are…well, all of them! I have some a small selection of current Top 40 songs, a few Broadway Musicals, Carole King and The Eagles. I don’t need music to motivate me, I use it to keep me company. As I was waiting for my Garmin watch to find the satellite, I turned on my iPod and saw my Eagles Playlist.


My ticket to The History of The Eagles

“This is perfect!” I thought. To honor the untimely passing of Glenn Frey, I would run to the Eagles Live Album I ripped off of my Double CD years ago.

When I was in college, I had always wanted to see the Eagles in concert. I never had the chance. They either broke up or disbanded and I thought it’ll never happen. At one point I distinctly remember saying out loud, to anyone who would listen, that if I ever got lucky enough to see The Eagles in concert “my life would be complete.” Knowing it would never happen, I thought I was safe. I would always have that excuse.

Last July, I finally saw them in concert. The show was amazing. It was the “History of the Eagles” Tour. They played most of the songs in chronological order and told stories about who sang with them, what was going on in the music industry at the time and how the song came to be. It was as though we were on the journey with them for the first time.

When I heard about Glenn Frey’s passing last night, I was shocked. He was only 67. I saw him perform just six months ago. He looked healthy and full of energy.

As I was running to Hotel California, Take It to the Limit and Wasted Time, I thought about the show I had seen in downtown Hartford on a steamy July night. My life was supposed to have been complete. I made the statement over half a lifetime ago. It was an impulsive statement made by a college student who still had a lot to learn. Now as an adult, I can thank Mr. Frey for giving me that Peaceful Easy Feeling on an otherwise cold and blustery day.

Now if only I can my hands on some Adele tickets, my life would really be complete!


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