On Being Positive

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Killer Kale Salad

Killer Kale Salad

"What can I bring?" This is what I always ask when invited to a friend's home for a small or large party. No one likes to show up empty handed. My go-to offer is a delicious kale salad. First, in the interest of full-disclosure, when I say "what can I...

Running Down a Cold

In 30 years of racing, my goal is to start every race in peak condition; rested, well-fueled and trained.  I don't win any race I enter, but I give it my best and I can't expect anymore than that. In 2008, I did start one race where I knew I wasn't feeling 100%. It...

Eagles Tribute Run

So far, this Northeast winter has been fairly pleasant compared to what we New Englanders endured in 2015. However, today's cold and windy day still didn't feel very welcome.   I had less than hour to get in my morning run, so I dressed appropriately, grabbed my iPod...

About Me

Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.

Why reconstruction?

I have wavered on this topic for many months.  My gut said, "of course reconstruction".  But then I realized how much more surgery and recovery it would be and I panicked. Then I read an article...

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W.O.W. (Words of Wisdom)

I hope to post interesting, thoughtful, and kind words that I receive from friends and family members in this space.  This week's lucky winner is Bonnie H. Bonnie is a dear high school friend, who...

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What’s the plan?

Since I'm a "planner," I planned this surgery over nine months ago. The doctors (who I will get to in later posts) and their staff have been amazing as I prepare for this event.  However, I...

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What this blog isn’t

This blog will NOT focus on the medical information that surrounds this decision.  There are lots of doctors, genetic counselors, websites, message boards, and patients to whom you can talk to find...

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Why a blog?

Today I went for a beautiful run in a local reservoir.  As I was running and listening to Adele (my husband is so sick of her that I now have to listen to her songs when I'm alone), I had a great...

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A Brief History

In 2003, I tested positive for the BRCA 1 gene mutation.  Without getting into the medical details, it means that my risk for getting breast or ovarian cancer is much higher than the general...

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The New Normal

The New Normal

Just for "shits and giggles" (to quote Leland), we decided to hit the local Mall the day BEFORE Thanksgiving for some Chanukah shopping.  It's Black Wednesday, didn't you know?  Anyway, it is my goal to avoid the Mall from now until December 26th.  Not sure if that...

The New Normal

A Minor Milestone

About two months before my surgery, I found out that my cousin Dani was having a reading of a musical called Class Reunion for which she wrote all of the music and lyrics in New York City on November 18.  I told Dani that if I was feeling up to it, I really wanted to...

The New Normal

I’m proud of me!

This past summer we took a family vacation to a high-falootin' resort in Pennsylvania with the Tapper cousins (17 total).  My son Eli managed to spend many hours and quarters at a variety of arcade games. His favorite, though, also the most frustrating, was "The...

About Me

Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.