Lynne Tapper’s Blog

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Trinity College Squash Champions & Mentors

This may be a little known fact, but the City of Hartford is home to the most dominant squash program in the country. Trinity College has won 17 of the last 20 collegiate squash championships. They have beaten powerhouses such as Yale, Princeton and even mighty...

A letter from Meg Taylor, Executive Director of Capitol Squash

Rarely do I say to someone "we are changing kids’ lives" It always sounds so self-congratulatory and discounts the parents, teachers, and the students themselves. I usually say we're changing their life trajectory or providing them opportunities they wouldn't...

About Me

Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.

A blog about training, racing, and life in the “fitness” lane

My 10th Marathon

I might be in the minority, but I thoroughly enjoy watching marathons on television. I love listening to the commentators tell the stories of the athletes and the history of the event. On Monday, I...

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Snow is my friend

For the past few weeks, I’ve  been questioning why I live in the Northeast. Snow days are not what they used to be when I was a kid growing up in Massachusetts.  I have fond memories of the Blizzard...

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One and done

2014 marks my 20th season of doing triathlons. I will never forget my first triathlon in Harriman State Park in New York and I will always remember this Ironman in Mont Tremblant Canada. I will...

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Killer Kale Salad

"What can I bring?" This is what I always ask when invited to a friend's home for a small or large party. No one likes to show up empty handed. My go-to offer is a delicious kale salad....

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Thoughts on a life impacted by being BRCA1 positive.

Full Steam Ahead

While Thursday officially marks my 12-week post-surgery date, today was my 3-month post-op appointment in Tarrytown, NY. Before I go into too many details about today's appointment, let me go back...

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Goodbye 2011…Hello 2012

Today is Saturday, December 31st...the final day of 2011.  I have to say that while I am not big on wishing time away, I am happy to see 2011 end. The year was filled with some wonderful activities,...

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Yesterday’s News

In late January, as many regular blog readers know, I was finally given clearance to start swimming again. My first swim was on January 27.  Other than noticing that I filled out my bathing suit a bit more, the swim workout itself didn’t feel very different from the...

Yesterday’s News

Full Steam Ahead

While Thursday officially marks my 12-week post-surgery date, today was my 3-month post-op appointment in Tarrytown, NY. Before I go into too many details about today's appointment, let me go back about two weeks.  On January 12th, I emailed Courtney Dunavant, Dr....

Yesterday’s News

Goodbye 2011…Hello 2012

Today is Saturday, December 31st...the final day of 2011.  I have to say that while I am not big on wishing time away, I am happy to see 2011 end. The year was filled with some wonderful activities, events, and weather (yes, Irene and Historic October Snowstorm, I"m...

About Me

Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.