It’s Good to be Right

Jun 13, 2014 | My Iron Year, Training Daze

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Lynne Tapper

I am a lifelong endurance athlete with the dual goal of training and racing until my bones turn to dust and sharing that passion with as many people as possible.

It has been pouring all day!  It’s truly depressing.  There are puddles and mud everywhere.  Flood warnings are burning up my phone all over the state.

So…why am I smiling?

Because I’m not riding or running in it!

I did a long pool workout and a 75-minute easy recovery ride inside on my trainer listening to The Eagle’s Pandora list.  It was awesome.  Who knew listening to American Pie and Hotel California would make my day.

I got in my workouts and I stayed dry (except not in the pool).

It’s been a long week and I made it through. Yay me!


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