Two of our students just began their freshman years at two Connecticut independent schools. There was a story about their journey through Capitol Squash and their acceptance into these prestigious schools on NPR on September 5, 2018. Listen to this inspiring story...
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Lynne Tapper
Race Day Morning
The alarm was set for 4:00 am. Leland kindly set his phone and sort of got up with me. I had a small bowl of cereal (Quaker Oat Squares and skim milk). The night before I had written a short list...
Preparation Photos
Not So Fast
With my bike and gear all settled, I was feeling pretty good. The rain still isn't letting up, but I'm trying not to think about it. I laid down on my bed and tried to rest. About 15 minutes later,...
How IronMan Works
Okay, since this is my first Ironman/Iron-distance race, I won’t pretend to be an expert on how it all works. So, I will just detail how this race works with regard to transitioning from swim to...
Friday’s Activities
Much of Friday was spent spending even more money at the Expo, cleaning my bike, driving the bike route, and thinking about how to pack all of my Transition bags. I think it's a good idea to drive...
At Mont Tremblant
We were told that traffic leaving Montreal can be tricky. The saying is "There are two seasons in Montreal. Winter and Construction." So, we left our hotel a little before 10:00 am so we could...
And the Journey Begins
I admit that I have not been great about keeping this blog as timely as possible. While I want to keep a history of my experience, I also want to be "in the now" as much as possible. Taking the time...
The Tapper Taper Begins
7 months! I did it. I know that finishing the race on August 17th will be the cherry on top of the proverbial triathlon sundae. But, considering all that I've been through in the past 5 years,...
My Last Big Day
Today was a long, long day. I woke up at 6:00 am to swim for 30 minutes and then met a few friends to embark on a 100-mile ride. Later in the day, I ran for 1 hour and finished my day at 7:00 p.m....